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PHTI brings together healthcare leaders, including digital health companies, purchasers, clinical experts, patient groups, and investors for candid conversations about pressing challenges facing the field and how to advance innovation.

Purchaser Advisory Council

The Purchaser Advisory Council is comprised of executive leaders and key decision makers from health plans, self-insured employers, and health systems.

PHTI collaborates with purchasers to ensure that evaluations of digital health solutions are relevant and timely to inform purchasing and coverage decisions. Participants provide input on PHTI’s approach, priority areas for evaluation, and considerations driving purchaser uptake of new technologies.

Digital Health Collaborative

The Digital Health Collaborative is comprised of leading healthcare and consumer organizations working to raise the bar for evidence and value in the adoption of digital health technologies.

Through research, grant funding, and regular convenings, the Digital Health Collaborative advances the development and scaling of evidence-based, high-value, and equitable digital health solutions.

Clinical Advisors

PHTI’s clinical advisors are experts in specific topics for assessment.

Clinical advisors play an important role in guiding PHTI’s evaluation process, including understanding disease progression and treatment, informing the selection of outcome measures, and interpreting published evidence.

AI Taskforce

The PHTI AI Taskforce consists of leaders from a broad range of health systems, AI solution companies, and industry experts.

Focused on the financial and operational implications of AI-enabled administrative technologies on the delivery system, the Taskforce explores how health systems are thinking about adopting, implementing, and measuring the impact of AI solutions.

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